Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm like the Jay-Z of blogs when I'm in the shower. I come up with some good material. Poignant. Deep. Touching stuff. I'm stopping the list here but it really continues. Half a page. Easy. 

Back. So I'll have my next work all laid out in my big organ - but I shower late. Crazy late. Like right now, it's 1:54AM. I work like regular folk so I'm not about to turn on a computer and type out a damn thing. Bed.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


AssertiveWit said...

you haven't blogged in forever and this is what you give us? *thumbs down* LOL

Ms_Slim said...

Whats the opposite, female version of Jay-Z? Beyonce? about someone who encompasses a touch more talent and depth? Um....Lauryn Hill pre-psychosis?

Okay yea...Im her. lol

I think I tweeted on this before and you responded. I do my best thinking while in the shower. It's so weird but thats what it is lol

Welcome back, I guess.....